Hostess represents all things pleasure. Hinge is where hopeful singles search for a delectable snack. The dream combo has been unlocked: Hostess is teaming up with Hinge and 7-Eleven to encourage these famished lovers to take a bite.

It's time for us to get "back out there." You should too.

Hostess X Hinge, a match made in heaven. Or shall I say, a match made on Hinge?

The app will allow potential matches to send a ding dong instead of the hinge “rose” for a select day of the month.

What better way to let someone know they’re a snack…

New-time dating and old-time treats for a modern love that lasts.

The bonus: a sexy, honesty-driven card game to soothe those first date nerves.

Art Director: Bella Dentler Writer: Charlie Boiler


Science & Memory Fellowship


WongDoody Internship